X3 reunion vs terran conflict
X3 reunion vs terran conflict

x3 reunion vs terran conflict

I know some people have criticised this plan of yours in the past as "excessive" and "an unreasonable expenditure of resources", but in my opinion it was more than worth it. We're finally rid of him for good, and it only cost us the flagship of the fleet and 8 million credits to create SB.Corp. Calculations by the Terran Institute for Strategy show a 99.9% chance of complete failure of the project with loss of all involved personnel (currently: Lieutenant B. Lieutenant Caster has been put in charge of the newly created SB.Corp company, which is tasked with accumulating financial and military rescources outside of Terran space, without openly being connected to the Terran Government. Unoffically he is operating undercover within Commonwealth and Profit Guild space.

x3 reunion vs terran conflict

Officially, Lieutenant Caster is now an escaped criminal. Pursuing forces did not manage to stop him, and lost sensor contact when he entered into Argon space at sector Heretic's End. Lieutenant Caster managed to escape the police forces ordered to detain him on Saturn Orbital Shipyards, and successfully escaped from Terran space in a stolen Scimitar class M3 fightercraft. Caster has been declared an A-Class criminal for to his involvement in the destruction of the Valhalla, and all Terran security forces have been ordered to apprehend him on sight.

x3 reunion vs terran conflict x3 reunion vs terran conflict

Report regarding the conclusion of the Valhalla incident, May the 3th of 2938: ".so we're sending you onto a long term undercover mission." I should have listened to my parents and never have enlisted. (Wait? They're discharging me? YES! Finally! Bye, bye military service. "Of course, even if you're not at fault for the incident, after this we can't really just reinstate you into your old position." "And the board of inquiry has indeed come to the conclusion that you can not be legally held liable for what happened." It was a cold and cruel smile, colder than the icy winds of the gas giant below them. "Yes, Lieutenant, yes you did." Caster's superior officer now also smiled. You can't court martial me, no Sir, no you can't.) "I believe if you go over the recordings you will find that I acted in complete compliance with Standard Operating Procedure" (Hah! I followed the rules. was an accident, Sir?" Lieutenant Caster smiled nervously. have an inkling, Sir." (Just get it over with, please) Reporting as ordered, Sir." (God, I wish I was somewhere else) Meanwhile, in a small office of the United Space Command (USC) shipyards in orbit of Saturn, Lieutenant "The Brain" Caster faces a quite different, far more terrible conflict: (Thanks to to guy who uploaded the english version of this on youtube, this is very convenient for me ) Contact between Earth and the rest of the known universe has finally been restored.

X3 reunion vs terran conflict